Manufacturing & Quality>Working Environment

Working Environment

HCH received global certification according to the ISO 14001 international standard for environmental management from 2002. To sucessfully obtain global certification requires all HCH's manufacturing sites, technical and engineering centres and logistics locations, to maintain and uphold high performance standards regardless of geographical locations or social and economic conditions in China. With the validation and certification of our manufacturing facilities, we are taking a leading role in environmental protection.
In compliance to the requirement of ISO 14001 environment management system, HCH continually demonstrates improvements on its environmental performance. Targets are established and reviewed annually in tackling environmental challenges resulted from, for instance, greenhouse gases emissions, natural resources consumption, and wastes.
Environment responsibility
Huanchi strives to contribute to a higher quality, more comfortable lifestyles by providing truly valuable products and services. At the same time, the company works to minimize the environmental burden of its various activities and promote greater harmony, thereby contributing to the preservation and improvement of a healthy environment.
The HCH Group recognizes that environmental responsibility is integrally to producing world-class products. In our operations, adverse effects on the environment and natural resources shall be minimized while safeguarding the health and safety of the public. All HCH Bearing Group activities shall adhere to the following standards regarding the environment: